Diamond Nectar 1 qt

Diamond Nectar 1 qt
Item# gh1352

Product Description

Diamond Nectar 0-1-1: Despite the low level of nutrients found in natural soil-based environments, plant growth nevertheless occurs because humic acids channel available nutrients directly into nearby vegetation. By accelerating nutrient absorption at the root boundary zone where minerals enter the plant, humic acids optimize nutrient uptake in fast growing plants. Diamond Nectar applies the magic of humic acids to nutrient rich hydroponic environments by grabbing these nutrient minerals and transporting them into plant roots for faster growth and higher yields. Diamond Nectar supercharges your nutrients in order to optimize the health of your plants and the quality of your crops.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What does N-P-K stand for on my nutrient?

A: N-P-K is the abbreviated form of Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium within a nutrient formula. The numbers labled on a specific formula represent the percentage of that compound. Ex. 2-6-6 is 2 percent Nitrogen and 6 percent Phosphorus and Potassium.